Friday, October 25, 2019

The Republican Plan Should Not Be Vetoed :: Argumentative Persuasive Government Papers

The Republican Plan Should Not Be Vetoed The government of the United States has been the patriarch of the country. It has taken care of it's people for over two hundred years in times of war, recession and hundreds of other problems. But to solve these problems money had to spent sometimes in mass quantities. The World Wars not only made the US a world power but also a world bank. It has been since that time that the United States have begun it's trend towards deficit. After browsing through the Web I have a better understanding of what the deficit is, where it came from, and how it is being handled. It seems absurd that our country owes almost 5 trillion dollars. At the same time in economics we have learn the dollar value can sometimes be unimportant but the relative value that truely matters. If the whole world is in the same relative picture than the debt is not an enormous concern. As with any problem things should not be taken to either extreme at a given moment. To eliminate the debt would be a task no party could devise and in essence would be unimportant for the world economy. On the other hand money should not be spent like wild fire. Like everyone else in the country the government should spend their (our) money wisely. My opinion is that the Republican plan should not be vetoed. It needs to be instated to control the increase in the national debt and censor government spending. I do believe that the Republicans often look towards the wrong departments to make cuts in.

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