Saturday, November 2, 2019

Kevin Roche Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kevin Roche - Essay Example In the very next year he came back to Michael Scott’s studio and applied for graduate studies at Harvard, Yale, and Illinois Institute of Technology. He left Ireland for United States in 1948 and completed his Masters program in Illinois Institute of Technology under Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He served at the United Nations Planning Office for a very short time and later joined Eero Saarien and Associates at Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1950. Then the growth of Kevin Roche was notable that within four years, that is, by 1954, he became the principal design associate of Saarinen. Kevin Roche’s combined work with John Dinkeloo (1918-1981), who joined Saarinen office in 1950, has contributed some great architectural designs to the world. After the death of Saarinen in 1961, Kevin Roche and John Dinkeloo, along with senior partner and administrator Joseph Lacy, continued under Saarinen’s name finishing projects and securing new work, most notably the Oakland Museum (1961-1968) in Oakland, California. In 1966, with Saarinens work complete, the office adopted the present name, Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates. Kevin Roche’s talent as a designer and architect is so great that most of his creations identify it. He has planned and designed diverse facilities by implementing new advancements in design concepts. One of the living evidences is the creation of Oakland Museum of California which has often been described as a complex for the art, natural history, and cultural history of California. The construction of this museum with interrelated terraces and roof gardens exemplifies the former comment. Roche Dinkeloo focused mainly on constructions in the area of large urban and suburban projects. The construction of the Ford Foundation Headquarters (1963-1968) in New York City announces the mastery of modern building constructions. The L-shaped 12-story office building and the tall glass roofed garden, etc., are the typical features of

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